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O Little Town of Bethlehem : Free Printable Christmas Carol Lyrics Sheets : Favorite Christmas Song Sheets
The tradition of Christmas carols dates back as far as the thirteenth century, although carols were originally communal songs sung during
celebrations like harvest tide as well as Christmas. It was only later that carols began to be sung in church, and to be specifically
associated with Christmas.
Traditionally, carols have often been based on medieval chord patterns, and it is this that gives them their uniquely characteristic musical sound.
Some carols can be traced directly back to the Middle Ages, and are among the oldest musical compositions still regularly sung.
Free Printable Christmas Carol Lyric sheets are great for your family or neighborhood caroling activities. Print some of our Christmas Carol
Song sheet pages and teach your group to sing. These are provided for your personal enjoyment and as a guide to learning these classic old Christams Carols.
Christmas Carol Text only - (does not print with sheet above)
O Little Town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem,
How still we see the lie!
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
The silent stars go by;
Yet in thy dark streets shineth
The everlasting Light;
The hopes and fears of all the years
Are met in thee to-night.
For Christ is born of Mary,
And gathered all above,
While mortals sleep, the angels keep
Their watch of wondering love.
O morning stars, together
Proclaim the holy birth!
And praises sing to God the King,
And peace to men on earth.
How silently, how silently,
The wondrous gift is given!
So God imparts to human hearts
The blessings of his heaven.
No ear may hear his coming,
But in this world of sin,
Where meek souls will receive him, still
The dear Christ enters in.
Where children pure and happy
Pray to the blessed Child,
Where misery cries out to thee,
Son of the mother mild;
Where charity stands watching
And faith holds wide the door,
The dark night wakes, the glory breaks,
And Christmas comes once more.
O holy Child of Bethlehem!
Descend to us, we pray;
Cast out our sin and enter in,
Be born in us to-day.
We hear the Christmas angels
The great glad tidings tell;
O come to us, abide with us,